Outreach ministries

Outreach is at the heart of ministry here at FUMC.  If churches are called to certain types of ministry, then FUMC has been called to reach out and help others.  Listed below are a variety of ways you can be involved in mission outreach.

  • samaritan ministry

    Samaritans serve in a variety of ways: they visit the homebound weekly and deliver bouquets made from Sunday’s altar flowers, work at the community Food Bank and Clothes Closet, provide funeral meals, send cards of encouragement, help to provide Thanksgiving food baskets. Both women and men are Samaritans. For additional information about becoming a Samaritan contact Karen Howard at 940.521.7004.

    The Samaritan Fund provides financial assistance to the community for help with electric, gas, and water bills, prescriptions, and it funds the supplies for wheelchair ramps and small home repairs. For information about assistance contact Sandra Boedeker at the church office at 940.549.0970.

  • stephen ministry

    Stephen Ministers are specially-trained lay persons who serve one-on-one as they walk through a time of crisis with another person using Christian caring skills. Strict confidentiality is maintained including the identities of those receiving care and what takes place in each caring relationship. Stephen Ministers receive at least 50+ hours of training and make a two-year commitment to serve. Stephen Ministers believe that they are called to be the care-giver and God is the cure-giver.

    A new group of Stephen Ministers is trained every two years. For information about becoming a Stephen Minister, contact Sandra Boedeker at sandra@fumcgraham.org. 

    If you are going through a tough time in your life and need a Stephen Minister, contact Caroline Boyd at 940.372.5357.

  • friendship meal

    This free hot meal served family-style for our community friends is held the last Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in McCree Hall, located at the corner of Third and Cherry Streets. The evening also includes group singing, a short devotional message, and door prizes. If you would enjoy an evening of good food and good fellowship, we invite you to join us.

    If you would like to roll up your sleeves and get involved, then come at 5:15 p.m. and we’ll have a job for you! For additional information contact Fran Edens at 940.549.7024.

  • garments of grace

    Garments of Grace grew out of a dream to provide children and youth with brand-new clothes to start the school year, thus giving them a big dose of self-esteem. It continues to provide new clothing three times a year. Recipients, who must be referred by teachers or community agencies, get to shop for their new clothes and accessories in a boutique-like setting.

    We encourage you to watch for end-of-the season bargains of clothing to donate to Garments of Grace. Look for the collection basket in the Atrium of the church. For questions, contact Joni Street at 940.521.6309.

  • our daily bread

    Our Daily Bread evolved out of the question “What do children who depend on free or reduced lunches during the school term eat during the summer?” The answer to this question was the creation of Our Daily Bread.

    This summer weekday feeding program provides lunch for children, youth, and adults who might not otherwise have a hot nutritious noon meal. Meals are served five days a week for six weeks beginning in early July.  Some of the food served comes from the church garden and is grown especially for Our Daily Bread.  In addition to lunch a sack supper of sandwiches and snacks is provided to take home for the evening meal. Transportation is available each day by calling the church office at 940.549.0970.

    Volunteers are always needed and welcome. Jobs include everything from greeting to food preparation, cooking, serving, clean-up, transportation and recreation and games with the children. Community organizations are invited to sign up to provide food and volunteers. For additional information about Our Daily Bread contact “Mrs. B,” Bronwen Choate at 940.550.5326.

  • prayers and squares

    quilt ministry

    Prayers and Squares provides handmade quilts for people going through a difficult time in their lives. Each quilt is lovingly and prayerfully made and then shared in worship where it is blessed and then prayed over by members of the congregation. Strings are attached in the middle of each square of the quilt and are tied together as a tangible symbol of the prayers that have been lifted up for the recipient.

    Workdays are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from

    9:00 a.m. to 12 noon in the Serendipity Room of McCree Hall. You do not have to know how to sew to help. They have jobs for everyone from selecting fabric to cutting squares to ironing as well as laundering or attaching the ties. And for those who choose, there are plenty of opportunities for sewing also. For additional information about helping to make prayer quilts contact Debbie Maddy at 817.658.7315 or Karen Howard at 940.521.7004.

    To request a quilt for a friend or loved one contact Sandra Boedeker at the church office at 940.549.0970. We ask that if you request a quilt that you will be responsible for delivering the quilt to the recipient.

  • fumc community garden

    church. This group of all ages meets on Tuesday mornings to plant, hoe, water, pull weeds, and harvest their abundant crop of vegetables which includes corn-on-the-cob, a favorite of Our Daily Bread, and in the fall they even grow pumpkins for all the children of the church. For more information contact Leslie Singleton at 817.980.1785.

  • the glass slipper project

    The Glass Slipper Project provides high school girls an opportunity to go to the prom or other formal occasions in style by providing dresses, shoes, and evening accessories. This ministry serves not only Graham but the surrounding area. Donations are accepted of new or like-new formal wear at the church office. For additional information contact Angie Graham at 940.521.5818.

  • habitat for humanity

    FUMC is a proud sponsor of Habitat for Humanity and has participated in the building of a Habitat house every year since the organization came to Graham. One year the FUMC congregation sponsored and built a Habitat house itself in addition to the community-built one. Watch this website for the date of FUMC’s day of construction, generally in the late spring to early summer, and how you can sign up to help. Contact David Edens at 940.549.7024 for additional information.

  • international mission trips

    At FUMC believe that we are called to help not only our community neighbors but our neighbors around the world. We are a Five Star Mission Church, recognized by the Central Texas Conference each year for our involvement in both local and global ministry. We are currently sending mission teams to Costa Rica, who are working with Agua Vive Serves to provide sources of clean water there by digging water wells. There are also plans to send a team to Costa Rica to do an eye clinic. Each year we have provided members who have traveled to Kenya with the West District to work with the Maua Hospital there.

    Watch this website for information on up-coming international mission opportunities, both as mission team members and to provide financial resources needed for the trips. For more information about international mission opportunities contact Fran Edens at 940.549.7024.