"Blessed are those who come in the name of the Lord"
YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER / SUMMER - Teach the youth class (grades 6th-12th) for the summer months. Easy to use curriculum is provided. The class meets upstairs in the large youth room from 9:45 - 10:30 a.m. each Sunday morning.
HIGH SCHOOL BIBLE STUDY VOLUNTEER - Our high school youth meet each Sunday night beginning at 6:00 p.m. We are always in need of volunteers to help facilitate the evening.
LUNCH BUNCH COOK OR SERVER - We provide a meal to GISD Juniors & Seniors each Tuesday for lunch. We need people who are willing to help cook and serve this meal weekly.
PROVIDE A MEAL FOR LUNCH BUNCH ONCE A YEAR - If you or your Sunday School class would like to prepare a meal for our high school Juniors & Seniors, please contact Jenny. We are currently serving 50 students.
AFTER SCHOOL HANG OUT - We open our doors for students to come hang out after school on Wednesdays. We provide a snack and a safe place to be prior to youth beginning. We need people to help supervise, set up/clean up the snack and be
a positive influence for our students. This is from
3:30 - 5:30 p.m. each Wednesday
WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUTH VOLUNTEER - We have youth from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. each Wednesday evening. We need people who would be willing to supervise and interact with our students.
MONTHLY WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL - We have a meal on the first Wednesday of each month. If you or your Sunday School class would like to provide a meal, please let Jenny know.
JUNIOR HIGH MISSION TRIP SPONSOR - We will participate in a week-long mission trip each July. We need adults who would be willing to drive, lead and work alongside our students.
HIGH SCHOOL MISSION TRIP SPONSOR - We will participate in a week-long mission trip each June. We need adults who would be willing to drive, lead and work alongside our students.
LAKE HOUSE FOR RETREATS OR EVENTS - We are always looking for fun places for our youth retreats and special events. If you would like to open your lake home for our students, please let Jenny know.